Washoe County Courthouse Training Recap
SBTactical Takes Stress Based Training to Washoe County Law Enforcement
SBTactical conducted a Force on Force Active Shooter Training scenario in the Washoe County Courthouse on Friday, August 10th.
There were approximately 35 Law Enforcement Officers at the training, the largest amount of officers we have had suited up at one time. Some of the attendees included Reno Justice Court Bailiffs, Sparks Justice Court Bailiffs, and Washoe County Sheriff Deputies and Washoe County Sheriff Swat officers.
We conducted the course using our force on force stress based training using our equipment. Our approach to training is centered on the principle of replicating real world conditions as opposed to simulating them. This concept can be applied in the simplest of training tasks to the most complex of scenarios, the officers in Washoe County were able to practice three different scenarios with different combinations of personnel each time.
We look forward to our next training! Learn more about our mobile rental program and our training services.
- Posted by Cindy Jacks
- On August 17, 2018